Disability Home Improvement Grants Funding  

ADP (Assistive Devices Program)

ADP is a government program that provides support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities and provides access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual’s basic needs.

ADP covers over 8,000 separate pieces of equipment. 

To learn more about ADP go to: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/adp/

Easter Seals Children Funding

Easter Seals Ontario provides programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities across Ontario to help them achieve greater independence, accessibility and integration. They provide financial assistance of up to $3 000 per year, per child to help purchase essential mobility equipment such as wheelchair, walkers, ramps or lifts.

March of Dimes Home and Vehicle Funding Program

The Program provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications, and is intended to assist permanent Ontario residents with a substantial impairment expected to last one year or more, with their disability management. 

The following website offers more details: https://www.marchofdimes.ca/EN/programs/hvmp/Pages/HomeandVehicle.aspx

MS Society Quality of Life Grant

The MS Society offers individuals living with MS a wide variety of programs that promote personal independence and contribute to an enhanced quality of life. The Quality of Life Grants are designed to provide financial assistance to those requiring support with the purchase of mobility equipment, and safety devices.

To learn more about The MS Society Quality of Life Grant go to: https://mssociety.ca/support-services/programs-and-services/15/financial-assistance-ontario-nunavut-division 

Ontario Renovates House Funding

Ontario Renovates provides financial help to qualifying people to repair their existing homes. Those who meet income thresholds and who own and occupy houses with substandard construction can use the funds to improve the home’s build quality, reaching a minimum level of safety. The funding can be used to make the household more accessible.  

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